EPUB has become a standard ebook format, but Microsoft has made downloading the files frustrating. Internet Explorer often renames the POP.epub file you need, turning it into POP.zip. This is fixable in a few simple steps.
1) Write down where you downloaded the POP.zip file on your computer
2) Right click the Start button or Microsoft symbol in lower left of your screen and Open Windows Explorer.
3) Find the POP.zip file.
4) Do you see "POP.zip"? If so, skip to Step 6. If you only see "POP" as the file name, continue on to Step 5.
5) To see the ".zip" extension
Open Control Panel from the Start menu.
Choose Appearance and Personalization.
Choose Folder Options
Click the "View" Tab
UNCHECK "Hide extensions for known file types"
Hit OK
6) Simply Right Click "Pop.zip" and choose Rename. Erase the .zip and type in .epub and hit enter. Hit OK to bypass a warning if it appears. The file should now read "POP.epub".
The file is now ready to be transferred to your ereader! Isn't technology fun!?!